06 November 2013

6: leave

I fully intended to go to jiu jitsu tonight, but that did not happen. I missed my bus, you see, and then I realized how much there was to do this evening.

Instead, I ran around town in the rain. The figurative kind of running. The kind where I kept parking my car on dark side streets and running into buildings to pick up one thing here and one thing there.

I'm beginning to sound like a broken record about how much I've been working, but I will say this: I have basically been running a flat out sprint for weeks, and this evening I left everything as complete as I could get it, and I walked away. 

I have a cab coming at 4:30 am, and I'm going to watch the sun rise over the Rockies on the way to Sprawling Former Cowboy Town, if I'm not asleep in my seat.

These whirlwind long weekends in the Mitten leave me sometimes more exhausted than when I arrived, but it is something other than what I've been doing most waking minutes for the last six weeks straight, and I need that right now.

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