18 May 2011


I have lost my ability to put words on a page, and I blame Scrabble. Everything was fine as long as I was unable to download Scrabble onto my ipod touch, Winnie. (Winnie replaced Wilbur. Wilbur now lives with my sister. Wilbur replaced Wallace, the ipod whose grave is that pit latrine in Southern Sudan.) For a long time, I was unable to download Scrabble because it costs money, and my identity had been stolen by someone making purchases in New Jersey, and it took me six months to activate the new debit card the bank sent me, which I finally did a few weeks ago and now I have to spend every spare second playing Scrabble or I will get yelled at by the approximately seven people with whom I'm currently playing multiple games, at least two per person. (The only reason that doesn't make 14 games is that some games have more than two players.) Oh, I'm only playing one game with Guest 21394873948723 or whatever her/his name is, the random person who started a random game with me.


Also, I'm going broke on account of fighting class and kung fu. Like, my toe keeps getting jammed, right? So I had to buy mat shoes. And doing laundry to keep my single kung fu uniform clean was getting out of hand. So I had to buy another gi. I also need sparring gear for kung fu and for boxing (they are different), as well as boxing gloves. And once I have all that stuff, I need a bag to carry it around in.

I have the following gear: one mouthpiece.

My collection is not very impressive. I have to borrow gear every single time. It gets kind of embarrassing, and also a little disgusting, because gear gets sweaty over and over. I have actually put on borrowed boxing gloves that were wet on the inside from the last sweaty person.

One time was enough.

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