23 April 2007


It is late, if almost midnight is late, and it is when you are tired and today finished your last law school class ever but can't relax because not only do you have two papers and one exam left, but you also have a list of five million things to do, the most important of which seems, frankly, much more important than the exams and is: APPLY FOR JOBS. That's what I do now. I apply for jobs. Day and night. Just applying and applying. And applying again.

Unfortunately, there aren't actually that many jobs I want to do and sometimes I realize in the middle of an application that I actually don't want to do that job. But I apply anyway, much of the time, because I need a job. And then, on the jobs I don't want, somehow I end up doing incredibly stupid things, like not attaching my resume, which I think might be a way that myself and the universe are saying, "This is not the job for you."

I have stopped looking at the location until after I look at the job. But sometimes the location does factor in. Many a location I can imagine going to, would be excited to go to. But some locations I look at and think, "Nope." Afghanistan, for example. I think I need to ease into Afghanistan. Who can get me into Pakistan? Or Bangladesh? Then maybe I could think about Afghanistan. Right now I just have no context for Afghanistan, although I used to read some blogs from there, before the people moved on to Tajikistan and, I think, Indonesia. I need to ease into Iraq, too.

Bedtime. No more job searching tonight.

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