20 March 2007


I just finished reading the Kigali Gorilla Gazette, a publication of the US Embassy in Rwanda. I read about familiar places and I felt sick in my stomach with the desire to be back in Rwanda. I called it home once, you know. And I've started looking for jobs in Liberia, which I also once called home, and in other places that I've only visited or heard of, like Dar es Salaam and South Sudan. With the first job application, I suddenly felt completely mentally over school. I'm done. Oh, I'll stumble through the last seven weeks of school, but I'm done with this place. I'm ready to move on. And I read about these places that I have loved and new places that I may love someday and I wonder what it would be like to have only one place. What would it be like to grow up in and settle into one place, not to feel this constant pull from more places than I can occupy at once?

I don't know, but you know what? I wouldn't trade this for anything. I wouldn't trade the time I spent in Rwanda for any level of comfort in a single place. I wouldn't trade growing up in Liberia for any security of knowing where in the world I belong. I love the ever-growing size of my world. I love having many homes. And I can't wait to find out where my next one will be.

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