14 December 2005

a slow and painful death

I am working on my evidence final. Let's put it this way: the words on the screen are all blurred together. I can't think. As I said to a friend of mine, "You know how we were so bored all semester that we wanted to run screaming from the room? I want to run screaming from this room where I'm sitting alone, writing my exam." We aren't allowed to talk about the exam, but I don't think "It's just as boring as class ever was." is giving anything away. So bored. So tired. Will this semester never be over?

I have a bed, somewhere in this city, and I wish I was in it. Or anywhere but staring at my screen for the 12th hour in a row, still getting nothing done.


That's what my evidence final looks like to me. That's what my evidence notes look like to me. All those words! Where did they come from? Do they have any meaning? I think I'm basing my answers mainly on the one season of Law & Order that I watched faithfully when I lived on Burton Street in the cute little apartment with the green carpet in the living room where in the morning I would flop down on the floor in front of the radio to turn it off so I could leave for school and then getting up was the hardest thing imaginable.

There is carpet in this room. I could lie down...

And there are three more finals after this. Why did I come to law school? And once I was here, why did I not listen to the people who told me to balance my exams and papers so I wouldn't have too many of either one? Why?

PS. I really meant it. Yeah, you know what I mean.

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