07 May 2005

buying up the drugstore

i went to the store last night after dinner with my friend rachael. well, first i went to barnes & noble, where i spent my $25 gift certificate that i won for being one of the two best negotiators in the first year. i bought two books that are fat and full of tiny letters (so they take as long as possible to read) as well as well written. these are going to be two of the four books that i plan to bring to africa. the third is going to be youth by j.m.coetzee, which i am going to buy at the cheap bookstore because i saw it there the other day for $6.98 hardcover (but light). the fourth i don't know about yet. i'm still thinking. four books won't get me through the summer, but it will get me through the beginning and then hopefully others will have good books.

then i went to the drugstore and bought so much stuff. ridiculous amounts of stuff. shampoo, face soap, lotion, for the whole summer. the whole time i was there, i kept thinking that something smelled funny, like garlic. yuck, i kept thinking, i'm trying to smell lotions and there is this garlic smell. turned out to be the remains of my mediterranean platter in the carryout box. hummus, baba ganoush, and all the other yummies. not surprising, then, that the smell followed me around.

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