15 November 2010

[15] tree house

Now I live in a tree house. It is not built in one single tree, merely among them. When I look out the windows, I am amongst treetops.

As I left my house yesterday, there was a wild turkey crossing the road. This morning, a row of pheasants was parading down the sidewalk.

And it still only takes ten minutes to drive to work.

I was actually eager to get home tonight. Not just because I was severely hypoglycemic to the point where the road was blurring, although that helped (ffoooood), but because I wanted to be here, in the quiet open spaciousness of my living room, snuggled in a blanket, listening to the quiet. It felt like coming home, not just escaping the rest of the world.

I also am surrounded by unpacked boxes, and I should be at work right now.

Sleeeeeep. I can't remember what a whole night of sleep feels like.

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