11 September 2010


One thing I love about Universe City: whenever a salesperson finds out that I am riding my bike (usually because I say something like, "No, I don't need that double-bagged. I have a super bootleg crate on the back of my bike"), they say, "Ride safe!" as I leave.

I rode my bike to a shopping center, over the river and through the woods, and learned something very important: google maps bicycle instructions: do not trust them. They will lead you astray. It took me an hour to ride something that google maps claimed would take 20 minutes. Most of the extra time was backtracking and experimenting with various streets that turned into freeway on-ramps.

(Another thing in favor of Universe City, though: the buses may suck, but the bike paths are fantastic. Most streets seem to have bike lanes, unless they are residential and not busy or there is some nearly parallel bike path. A bike is far more useful than the buses. Until it starts raining.)

This is one of those evenings when I feel vaguely sick about how much money I spent today, regardless of how badly I needed to spend it. Jeans: replacement for every-pair-I-own-has-holes -in-it. Shoes: replacement for foot pain and/or wet feet from shoes that have holes. Present for mom and dad for Christmas: brilliant genius thinking ahead. Food: self-explanatory.

(Apparently I am obsessed with the : today.)

On the way back home, I trusted my own sense of direction rather than google maps and it worked out much, much better. I'm still a little scared of riding my bike at night, though. Not for myself, but, you know, there are those cars. They cannot be trusted, especially on a Saturday night. I saw a BMW careen around a corner, slam into the curb, and keep going, which was not exactly comforting for someone on a bike, lacking all the protections of a metal box on wheels.

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