07 May 2009


I left this place in spring and came back to summer. Well, the trees think it's summer. There is that rich, dense shade of summer green leaves. The air temperature has not caught up. This frustrates me. I open my blinds in the morning to stunning blue sky, and I dress accordingly. Then I step out the door into biting wind. And then it's pouring rain at lunch. And then it's crisp air and blue sky by 5 p.m. The weather needs to make up its mind. I have. In my mind, it is summer.

I am drafting posts in my head about two phrases commonly used about international work that grate and grate and grate on me, but I can't quite decide why. Both of them are often used by people I like and respect and who I think are often right. But I still don't like them.

I have clothes in the washer and rice on the stove and salad in my bowl and a cover letter open on my computer and a thousand million things I could-should-must be doing. I feel a bit scattered. My brain and my life seem to be going in opposite directions yet again.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you sleep as long as you get done what you need to get done. I haven't felt that way in a while, but I think it might be true tonight. This is job for which I am applying is a job I would very much like to do.

1 comment:

traci said...

what are the grating comments