12 December 2008


Every now and again, people on the internet post lists of six or seven weird things about themselves. I am not in the mood for seven, but I will list one that occurred to me in the middle of the night: I cannot sleep with a lit-up clock next to my bed. Oh, I used to have a digital clock with green digits next to my bed, with all those bright dashes letting me know exactly when 2:35 am became 2:36 am. But one day, maybe during or after college, when I started to sleep less than I should have and worrying about getting more sleep. 

I was tired of waking up in the middle of the night and thinking, "I only have two more hours to sleep and I am so tired." So I got rid of the clock with lights. Since then, I have mostly used sweep-hand clocks and, more recently, my mobile phone. The thought of having a lit-up clock next to my bed warning me that I only have this much more time to sleep, no, THIS much more time to sleep is just... well, I refuse to live that way. So no lit-up clocks for me. 

(P.S. Blogging in the morning! I'm practically an early bird now. Okay, that's a lie. I hate getting up early. I am strictly an evening person.)

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