15 May 2007


I'm at this coffee shop in which the counter guy sort of sneered when I asked if they had flavored syrups. "No," he said, "we like to keep the flavor true." But it wasn't that he's a jerk. I smiled and said, "Well, that's noble." and we proceeded. I said, "But I was sort of hoping for some mint." and he said, "We have fresh mint. I've been putting that in my cappuccino." So I got that. It's quite good, actually, and I'm happy to know that rather than purchase all sorts of syrup to take with me next time I live in Nowhere-ville, Country-No-One-Has-Ever-Heard-Of, this knowledge will come in handy, along with my talent at making the world's best sour cream coffee cake in a huge saucepan on a hotplate. Don't say I have nothing to offer. I am a catch, I tell you. I can make coffee cake and any drink involving mint. (Mojitos are a specialty. And various types of tea.)

This morning I was walking somewhere along 33rd Street after a lovely visit with my hand surgeon, who informed me that the clicking noise in my wrist is scar tissue popping past the tendon (fun! Just what I wanted for graduation!). Also that I might need surgery on my elbow some day if I don't rest, rest, rest and ice, ice, ice this silly arm. But it was sunny and beautiful and I suddenly thought, "Oh, crap. I have a law degree." The problem with a law degree is that it prices me out of the market for all the fallback jobs. I mean, if I end up jobless, what am I going to do? Fill out an application to be a coffee shop counter person (this place is hiring) and in education write, "J.D., Prestigious School."? And no, I don't know how to make espresso drinks. I could be passed over for a coffee shop job. While simultaneously possessing a law degree. I have no practical skills. What have I done? (And yet, how amazing is it? I have a LAW DEGREE!)

1 comment:

traci said...

ok, first, i love this post. you should write a book, and i'm not kidding. second, i know EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN about the fall back jobs and the LACK OF SKILLS. when i wrote my application for kohls, i REFUSED to put grad school or even college on the application. then, when i finally got the job i'm in now, i looked around and went "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE H I'M DOING." I have to say "h" instead of "hell" because i'm working on my pastor mouth. thirdly, your talk about mint and mojitos reminded me that i recently saw a recipe for mojito cupcakes. go here: http://alpineberry.blogspot.com/2006/05/mojito-cupcakes.html
they look good, no? finally, i think i will work on the postsecret, but i have to find a way to make it artsy enough to make it on because the topic is so horrifyingly cliche the art will have to be really darn good to make it on. or clever. i'm still thinking about it...