27 April 2005


i'm pretty much ready to go to africa except for the vital issues of:

1. international driving permit
2. packing.

packing is slightly more vital because it includes such things as figuring out if and how i will be able to fit everything i need to bring into one (one!) suitcase. i currently hate myself for being cheap and buying two separate tickets to get myself to africa and thus limiting myself to one bag. i keep reminding myself that i need to bring only enough to get through the summer in a camping sort of fashion, not enough to live well and occasionally bring out something new like nice-smelling candles. i can have nice-smelling candles when i get back to the US. i don't need them in Tanzania. Still, i'm stuggling with three things:

1. hiking boots (come on, i need them!)
2. books (come on, i need them!)
3. presents (no question, i'm going to have to cough them up when i get to rwanda)

if i had the space, i'd love to bring my tennis racquet and a nice pillow... i'm really stuggling to think in terms of camping. and i want all of my clothes with me. impossible, i know. i'm going to start making and trimming lists very soon, in lieu of studying property, torts, and admin.

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